Lifeboat Newsletter

February 17 – March 2
Lifeboat Newsletter

Ongoing Support for Lifeboat Builders

Coming Up: Lifeboat Onboarding Sessions

We’re offering two Onboarding Sessions for Lifeboat Builders this month:

Wednesday, Feb 26 at 7am PST / 9am CST / 10am EST
Friday, February 28 at 2pm PST / 4pm CST / 5pm EST

Onboarding sessions orient Lifeboat Builders to how guilds work and the internal processes we use for decision making, project management and navigating tensions.

To accommodate different time zones and availability, the onboarding session will be offered twice. Sign up for the time that works best for you by emailing us at

As a reminder, you can access all our Lifeboat 101 materials on the Miro Board.

And if it’s helpful to you, you can use the Project Development Template to flesh out your Lifeboat project.

Upcoming Guild Meetings

Outreach & Network
Tuesday, February 18 at 2pm PST / 4pm CST

Finance & Legal
Friday, February 21 at 10:30am PST / 12:30pm CST

Coordination Circle
Monday, February 24 at 4:30pm PST / 6:30pm CST

Heartwork & Philosophy
Thursday, February 27 at 2pm PST / 4pm CST

If you’re interested in joining a guild (even if just as a fly on the wall)
let us know by filling out the Guild Interest Form.

Hot Off the Press: Ben’s Weekly Reflection

The craziness in the world continues unabated this week. Lots of people currently have lots of theories about what’s going on and what’s going to happen. Our feeds are filled with countless analyses each with their hot take.

But analysis is very left-brained, picking it all apart and coming up with the single correct explanation for what is happening. It suffers the same left-hemisphere tendency to ignore the unpleasant parts of reality and project it’s own insecurities onto the world “out there.”

Reflection is the antidote to this form of deafness and blindness. Reflection sees the world as a mirror to the self. Reflection asks “can I see myself in this?” and “Can I see my Self in this?” Reflection is a practice that cultivates sanity in an insane world and helps us to understand how I take care of myself to take care of you and I take care of you to take care of myself.

January 27 – February 9
Lifeboat Newsletter

2025 Design Charrette Recap

Thanks to everyone who joined us for the Design Charrette this past weekend.

On Friday night we had a Lifeboat Circle where participants got to share what building a lifeboat means to them. We had one of our biggest circles ever!

On Saturday, all five of our guilds got together and presented proposals for the upcoming year, and we held a Coordination Circle to make sure all the pieces fit together.

“This was our third Design Charrette, and there was a cohesion and ease of flow in our annual planning process that felt unprecedented to me. It’s clear that the work we’ve put in over the past few years to develop the framework of the Lifeboat Academy, namely the five guilds, has paid off. We are more clear and focused than ever in our goals for supporting Lifeboat Builders, developing the Farmastery on S,DAYES/Pender Island, and getting the word out about effective group collaboration. I’m excited for the year ahead!”

Ronnie (they/them), Lifeboat mentor and Outreach Guild caretaker

Click on each guild to see its 2025 Guild Proposal:

Heartwork & Philosophy
Research & Learning
Farm, Food & Housing
Outreach & Network
If you’re interested in joining a guild (even if just as a fly on the wall),
let us know by filling out the Guild Interest Form.

Upcoming Guild Meetings

Heartwork & Philosophy
Thursday, January 30 at 2pm PST / 4pm CST

Outreach & Network
Tuesday, February 4 at 2pm PST / 4pm CST

Finance & Legal
Friday, February 7 at 10:30am PST / 12:30pm CST

Coordination Circle
Monday, February 10 at 4:30pm PST / 6:30pm CST

Support for Lifeboat Builders
Coming in February: Lifeboat 101 Sessions

We have two upcoming Lifeboat 101 Sessions:

Wednesday, February 5 at 7-9am PST / 9-11am CST
Friday, February 7 at 2-4pm PST / 4-6pm CST

If you’d like to RSVP for a session, please email us at If you can’t make either of them, keep an eye out for the recording on our YouTube Channel.

These sessions will give everyone a chance to share what we’re calling the “book report” – a reflection on 3 to 5 main resources or influences on your project. What are the resources that you find you keep coming back to and/or have had the biggest impact on how you work and think about resilience?

These book reports grew out of conversations we had in Connect the Dots club last year. Check out the Miro Board to see a map of resources we’ve already been talking about.

You’ll also get a chance to share a bit about the project(s) you’re hoping to develop with the support of the Lifeboat Academy. If you’d like some guidance in fleshing out your project, you can use the Project Development Template.

We’ll co-create a syllabus around shared learning and support structures that will work for us now and during the coming year.

Nominations are still open for the 2025 Cohort, so it’s not too late to sign up for some support for your resilience project. Click the button below!

Finally, be thinking about which guild(s) you might be interested in getting involved with this year. Joining a guild is a great way to get hands-on experience using the tools of sociocracy and circle process that enable effective collaboration. It’s also a way to practice reciprocity and help keep the Lifeboat Academy running so that we all can continue to benefit! You can fill out the Guild Interest Form here.

New Year, New Annual Plan

You’re invited to our third Design Charrette!

The 3rd Annual Design Charrette

The Charrette is our annual planning retreat open to all who would like to attend. It’s especially encouraged for Lifeboat Builders and anyone who’d like to learn more about how to collaborate and plan effectively.

Charrette Schedule & Sign-Up Links

Friday, January 24 – Sunday, January 26

(All times are Pacific Standard Time)

Friday Evening

6:00 to 7:30 pm – Opening Circle
This is an opportunity to get to know each other and talk about what is important to each of us, and what brings us to the Design Charrette.

Saturday – Design Charrette

9:00 to 10:00am – Guilds 101
If you’re new to the guild system, or want a refresher, join us to learn about why we use guilds, how the system works, and the specific guilds we’ve established to keep the Lifeboat Academy running.

10:00 to 10:30am – Coffee Break / Discussion Time
A chance to connect and chat with fellow participants. You could also get a snack and stretch your legs.

10:30 to 11:30am – Guild Presentations
Each guild gets to share their proposal for what they’ll be working on during the year.

2:00 to 3:00pm – Coordination Circle
We’ll all come together and the caretakers of each guild will lead us in coordinating between guilds to ensure balance and focus on the core mission for the year ahead, and explore how we can support one another to get things done.


9:00 to 10:15 am – Morning Circle (optional)
Like our daily morning circle at the Farmastery, but online! We begin with a quick meditation and guided visioning exercise, then discuss what we need to show up at be present, ending with a daily mantra or personal reminder of how you want to live your day.

Check out our Miro Board to see our planning process from last year’s Design Charrette.
It gives some context for where we were then and where we are now.

A Note on Participation

Anyone and everyone are welcome to participate in the Design Charrette – even if just as a fly on the wall! We encourage all Lifeboat Builders to attend and get involved with our guilds. This is a great opportunity to learn collaboration and project management tools, as well as to practice reciprocity with the Lifeboat Academy.

Our nominations for Lifeboat Builders are still open, so if you’d like to nominate yourself or someone who could use support with a local resilience project, click the button below.

Happy New Year from the Lifeboat Academy!

Getting Ready for 2025 Lifeboat Builders

We are getting very excited about our 2025 Lifeboat Builders cohort. We have a solid critical mass of committed folks, a healthy pool of interested folks and room for a few more (if you want to invite a friend or nominate yourself!)

Here’s what’s going on in January:

We’ll be hosting multiple Lifeboat Builder Orientation Sessions the week of January 6th, including times that are Europe and West Pacific-friendly. The sessions are a chance to get your questions answered as well as meet some of the other Lifeboat Builders.

Please complete this time poll to let us know your availability.

We’ll post the sessions to YouTube as well in case the times don’t work for you.

The kick-off event will be our Lifeboat 101 session which gives everyone a chance to get to know each other and build our syllabus for the spring. We’ll schedule the date in consultation with everyone when we have our finalized list of committed folks, but we are aiming for the week following our Charrette – so somewhere around the beginning of February. (A “charrette” is a format for quick, intense planning sessions.)

Speaking of the Charrette, we encourage all the lifeboat builders to get involved in our guilds and the charrette. Both are a great way of learning collaboration and project management tools and practicing reciprocity.

  • Charrette – Online January 24 to 26
    • Also invited to help with planning / facilitation which happens at or around the first Coordination Circle (January 13th)
  • First Guild Meetings – Encouraged to attend
    • First meetings include:
      • quick guild on-boarding (going over Driver Statement)
      • brainstorming project ideas – responding to RFPs / to be presented at Charrette
    • Outreach & Network – January 7th
    • Finance & Legal – January 10th
    • Heartwork & Philosophy – January 16th
    • Research & Learning and Farm Guilds TBA
    • Times negotiable depending on interest.

Please take a minute to update your interest in the guilds so that we can keep you in the loop.

In the meantime, be thinking about your “book report” (what are the 3 to 5 main resources or influences and how have they shaped your project) and your project pitch (what are you trying to do, why is it important to you, and where’s your growth edge).

Let us know if you have any questions! Ben will be available for office hours for questions or help with book reports or project planning. Use this Calendly link to schedule a time or email if you can’t find a time that works.

And our nominations for Lifeboat Builders are still open, so if you’d like to nominate yourself or someone who could use support with a local resilience project, click the button below.

Need support?

Schedule a 1-1 meeting during Office Hours to get support about anything related to personal and collective resilience, group collaboration or community building. We’re available to provide support and mentoring for Lifeboat Builders (or people who are thinking about it) and/or point you to someone who has the resource you’re looking for.

December 2024

We’re Still Accepting Nominations for
the 2025 Lifeboat Builder Cohort

The polycrisis is intensifying. We’re feeling it – stress, fear and anxiety about the rise of fascism, increasing climate catastrophes and the soaring cost of living. If you’re feeling freaked out and aren’t sure what to do about all of this, you aren’t alone.

To navigate these times, we need to find innovative ways to fundamentally transform how we think about and work with the land and each other. We can’t predict the future, but we can start to build resilience where we are with the people around us. We can be Lifeboat Builders.

At the Lifeboat Academy, we’re developing a fleet of lifeboats – local, place-based resilience networks working together for mutual support and learning. We offer peer support spaces and mentorship with seasoned lifeboat builders, as well as practical skills for effective collaboration, project development and conflict navigation.

Our work is based on reciprocity and pay-it-forward, so cost isn’t a barrier.

We’re currently accepting nominations for our 2025 Lifeboat Builder Cohort.

You can nominate yourself or anyone else that you think could use some support with building their local resilience network.

Join us for our final events of 2024:

See event descriptions on the left-hand side of this page to sign up.

Upcoming Guild Meetings

Outreach & Network Guild
Tuesday, Dec 10 @ 2pm PST / 4pm CST

Finance & Legal Guild
Friday, Dec 13 @ 10:30am PST / 12:30pm CST

Stewardship Council Annual Meeting
Monday, Dec 16 @ 4:30pm PST / 6:30pm CST

Heartwork & Philosophy Guild
Thursday, Dec 19 @ 2:00pm PST / 4:00pm CST

All are welcome at guild meetings, even if just to sit back and watch!

If you’d like to attend a meeting, please email us at

Need Support?

Schedule a 1-1 meeting during Office Hours to get support about anything related to personal and collective resilience, group collaboration or community building. We’re available to provide support and mentoring for Lifeboat Builders (or people who are thinking about it) and/or point you to someone who has the resource you’re looking for.

Thanks for being a part of the Lifeboat Network!

October 28 – November 10

Lifeboats – The Backstory
by Ben Kadel

People often ask where the Lifeboat idea came from.

As I was talking through a possible response with one of my collaborators, we realized it’s a challenging story to tell because it involves loops in space-time — the current idea is the result of a previous one that evolved from the one before that, etc. — so how many versions do you need to go back to get the full backstory? Somehow, no matter where you start it feels like you’re already jumping into the middle of the story.

So maybe we should start at the end and work backwards. Ultimately, through all these different iterations, we’ve become convinced that the multiple crises we face are the result of applying mechanistic / analytical thinking to a relational world. The Lifeboat Academy is our best bet for how to transition to a more relational way of being in the world.

read more on Medium

Upcoming Events:

See event descriptions on the left-hand side of this page to sign up.

Upcoming Guild Meetings

Outreach & Network Guild
Tuesday, Oct 29 @ 2pm PT / 4pm CT

Finance & Legal Guild
Friday, Nov 1 @ 10:30am PT / 12:30pm CT

Coordination Circle
Monday, Nov 4 @ 4:30pm PT / 6:30pm CT

Heartwork & Philosophy Guild
Thursday, Nov 7 @ 2pm PT / 4pm CT

Please email us at if you’d like to attend a guild meeting.

October 14 – 27

Hot Off the Press

Building the Lifeboat is the Lifeboat

The pan-dimensional Mobius process

As the reality of the polycrisis is dawning on more and more people, we keep hearing the same questions: What can I do? Where do I start? How can I get ready for something when I don’t even know what’s gonna happen?

This week, we’ll be hosting our next DIY Lifeboat webinar to answer these questions. The webinar provides a simple 5-step process that anyone, anywhere can use to grow their own local resilience network in the face of whatever might be coming down the pike, starting right where you are now. It introduces you to a toolkit of techniques and processes that can help jumpstart your local resilience building effort and offers a number of supports to keep you on track.

But there is a core concept underlying all the pieces and parts that is beguilingly simple, but absolutely essential. Without understanding the core concept, the tools are ineffective. Understand the core concept and the tools become mostly incidental.

Building a lifeboat is not about an end product nor is it merely an attitude. Building a lifeboat is a practice. Building the lifeboat is the lifeboat.

read more on Medium

Upcoming Events:

See event descriptions on the left-hand side of this page to sign up.

Upcoming Guild Meetings

Outreach & Network Guild
Tuesday, Oct 15 @ 2pm PT / 4pm CT

Finance & Legal Guild
Friday, Oct 18 @ 10:30am PT / 12:30pm CT

Coordination Circle
Monday, Oct 21 @ 4:30pm PT / 6:30pm CT

Heartwork & Philosophy Guild
Thursday, Oct 24 @ 2pm PT / 4pm CT

Please email us at if you’d like to attend a guild meeting.

All Upcoming Events:

Fall Semester 2024 (online events)

Ongoing Circles

Connect the Dots Club: Mapping the Territory

This is an opportunity to explore many different aspects of building a resilience network, deeper relationships with one another and our shared understanding of this work.

This series is especially designed for seasoned Lifeboat Builders.

  • Tuesdays, September 17 – October 8 at 5pm PT / 7pm CT.

Sign up here.

Connect the Dots Club: Deep Adaptation

Join us for Deep Adaptation, a new series in the Connect the Dots Club. This series is designed for both seasoned Lifeboat Builders and those just starting out.

This is an opportunity to explore many different aspects of building a resilience network, deeper relationships with one another and our shared understanding of this work. We’ll be exploring the 4 Deep Adaptation questions using a circle process:

  • Resilience: what do we most value that we want to keep and how?
  • Relinquishment: what do we need to let go of so as not to make matters worse?
  • Restoration: what could we bring back to help us with these difficult times?
  • Reconciliation: with what and whom shall we make peace as we awaken to our mutual mortality?

Tuesdays, October 29 – November 19 @ 5pm PT / 7pm CT.

Sign up here.

Agreements Circles

The Agreements Circle gives you a chance to build deeper connections with other Lifeboat Builders and the motivations you have to do this work. It also gives you a chance to experience the power of the circle process so that you can guide others in the process.

  • Fridays at 10:30am PT / 12:30pm PT: September 27, October 25, November 22, and December 20.
  • Mondays at 2pm PT / 4pm CT: September 30, October 28, and November 25.

Sign up here.

Navigation Sessions

Navigation sessions use a lightly structured circle process to create rich opportunities for shared learning and support – especially good for making sense of the challenges and tensions that arise when building community. We’ll be choosing a common tension for Lifeboat Builders for each session.

  • Fridays at 10:30am PT / 12:30pm PT: October 11, November 8, and December 6.
  • Mondays at 2pm PT / 4pm CT: October 14, November 11, and December 9.

Sign up here.

Live Webinars

How to Build a Lifeboat: a DIY guide to building your own local resilience network – This webinar provides an overview of a simple, practical 5-step process that anyone can use to start to build a personal resilience network, starting where you are with the resources you currently have available.

Tuesday, October 15 @ 5pm PT / 7pm CT.

Sign up here.

Guild Meetings

Coordination Circle – Every other Monday @ 4:30pm PT / 6:30pm CT – September 9 – December 16

Outreach & Network – Every other Tuesday @ 2pm PT / 4pm CT – September 3 – December 10

Heartwork & Philosophy – Every other Thursday @ 2pm PT / 4pm CT – September 12 – December 19

Finance & Legal – Every other Friday @ 10:30am PT / 12:30pm CT – September 6 – December 13

If you’re interested in joining a guild, send us an email at

Most of our events are recorded and posted on YouTube.

View our Video Recording Policy here.

Monthly Calendars

September 2024

October 2024

November 2024

December 2024

Past Events

Sociocracy 101 – Join us for a live webinar where we go over the basics of Sociocracy – the framework we use for making decisions and setting priorities. We’ll go through the core concepts of Sociocracy and talk about how we apply these concepts to the processes we use at the Lifeboat Academy.

Tuesday, September 10 @ 5pm PT / 7pm CT.

Sign up here.


Join us for an overview of all things Lifeboat this semester. We’ll be introducing each of our Fall offerings, inviting you to create a Personal Development Plan to guide your experience, and explaining how to get involved in the Guilds to build skills in collaboration, facilitation and networking.

Friday, September 13 @ 10:30am PT / 12:30pm CT

Monday, September 16 @ 2pm PT / 4pm CT

Please choose one date to attend. Sessions will be recorded and made available if you can’t make it live. Sign up here.

6 Conversations About Lifeboats
Announcing a new, six-week emergent space

Join us for a six-week conversation series exploring different aspects of building a resilience network. Guided by a different question each week, we will develop our shared understanding of this work while building deeper relationships with one another. These sessions are inspired by a framework called Six Conversations.

Whether you’re a seasoned Lifeboat Builder or haven’t started yet, this emergent space offers rich learning opportunities.

Tuesdays on Zoom at 5pm PST
June 11 through July 16

Please sign up here. There are 12 spots and we’ll have a waitlist as well.

We’re looking for a soft commitment to all six sessions. The more sessions you attend, the more you’ll get out of the experience. Hope to see you there!

January 2024: Join Our Annual Planning Process!

Our annual planning process is happening right now and a great way to learn more about the project, meet other lifeboat builders, and find ways to get more involved. Everyone is welcome! 

We’ll be walking through a series of exercises designed to help us learn from experience to identify the “20 that gets us 80.” Which ones sound interesting to you?

2024 Charrette Schedule

(All times are Pacific Standard Time)

All Sessions will be on Zoom – Join on Zoom

We’ll be using our Miro Board to capture and share ideas.

Friday evening:

6:00 to 7:30 pm – Opening Circle

This is an opportunity to get to know each other and talk about what is important to each of us, and what brings us to the Design Charrette.


9:00 to 10:00 am – Miro Board Walk-thru & Previous Session Recap

(if you’re already familiar with the Miro Board and the results of previous sessions, feel free to skip this session!)

10:00 to 10:30 am – Coffee break / Discussion Time

A chance to chat and connect with with fellow participants!

10:30 to 11:30 am – Guild Presentations

Each guild gets to share an update what they worked on in pre-charrette meetings and their ideas for the year.

11:30 am to 2:00 pm – Lunch / Break

Non-screen time. A time to reconnect with your place.

2:00 to 3:30 pm – Coordination Circle

We’ll all come together and the caretakers of each guild will lead us in coordinating between guilds to ensure balance and focus on the core mission for the year ahead, and explore how we can support one another to get things done.

3:30 to 4:30 pm – Badge Show / Arts & Crafts Time

This is a fun voluntary session for designing badges for each of the five guilds.

Sunday morning:

9:00 to 10:15 am – Morning Circle

Get a taste of our farm culture by coming to our online morning circle. We begin with a quick meditation and guided visioning exercise, then discuss what we need to show up at be present, ending with a daily mantra or personal reminder of how you want to live your day.

10:15 to 11:30 am – Guild Time (approximate times)

Each guild will have a brief chance to meet independently to set their next meeting, create an agenda of high priority discussions, and identify interested members and co-caretakers.

10:15 – Heartwork & Philosophy

10:30 – Principles & Governance

10:45 – Finance & Legal

11:00 – Farm, Food & Housing

11:15 – Outreach & Network

11:30 am to 12:00 pm – Closing circle

We’ll wrap up the 2024 Charrette and our time together.

All Sessions will be on Zoom – Join on Zoom